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How does Explora financially support itself?

Find out how the Museum supports itself

The seventh edition of Explora’s Social Report allows the Museo dei Bambini SCS Onlus to put the data of the annual report side by side with the history, activities, committed resources and development strategy of our cooperative.

This publication is addressed to all those who are involved in the daily work, improvement and development of the facility, to all supporters such as Entities and Companies and of course to all Explora’s visitors, children, schools and families.

The Museo dei Bambini Società Cooperativa Sociale Onlus operates EXPLORA. Formed in 1998, it is registered with the Camera di Commercio and the Albo delle Cooperative Sociali . It is a member of the Confederazione Cooperative Italiane, Federsolidarietà, and the Confcooperative – Unione Provinciale di Roma.

It is a nonprofit, female-majority cooperative established with the goal of creating and managing this particular permanent structure dedicated to children, schools and families.
Explora is a private museum that receives no public funding for its operation except through regional, national and international calls for proposals. The museum entrance fee is the most important mode of self-financing for the cooperative. Explora sustains its activities through revenues from ticketing, corporate sponsorships, European and national calls, services, shop and bookstore.

In accordance with the provisions of the Law 124/2017, here the information about public contributions received by Museo dei Bambini SCS Onlus: Form L124
Published on: Italia non profit

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