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Toby’s Friends

The project dedicated to sustainability and environmental protection.

Toby’s Friends

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Project duration: 48 months

Toby’s Friends is a project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union dedicated to children

Toby’s Friends is a project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union dedicated to children and created with the aim of offering them storytelling products about nature, but also experiences of interaction and socialization.

• highlighting the wonders of woods and forests;
• conveying, educating and providing the tools to understand the importance of trees;
• acting through planting and maintenance activities in natural areas.

To achieve these important objectives, all European project partners join forces in a stimulating combination and sharing of good practices both in the field of education and in the field of sustainable development and environmental protection.

Project partners:

ANT MIEUX PROD (France) – coordinator;
Explora, the Children’s Museum of Rome (Italy);
Drustvo Jasa (Slovenia).

The project envisages the production of audiovisual material to raise public awareness in favour of a responsible approach to nature.
In particular, a TV series dedicated to the climate, the environment and ecology will be produced, with reflections on the economy as Europe’s current priorities.
The Toby’s Friend series is an eco-fiction about Tobie Lolness, the protagonist of a fictional story who lives in a microcosm populated by elves, fairies and gnomes, apprehensive about the fate of an environment threatened by pollution and climate change.
The special feature of all audiovisual products is the focus in the production phase on alternative and more sustainable approaches, with the future of the Planet and audiences in all countries in mind. Toby’s Friends will not only provide its audience with food for thought, but will also help facilitate the transition to active participation of European families.

Explora contributes to the project through the creation and concrete implementation of different proposals such as:
• the creation and realization of four workshops about the seasons;
• the realization of four indoor and outdoor activities about the environment;
• the setting up of a temporary exhibition about trees, forests and the environment reaching the general public.

I partner di progetto:

TANT MIEUX PROD (Francia) – coordinatore;
Explora, il Museo dei Bambini di Roma (Italia);
Drustvo Jasa (Slovenia).

Il progetto prevede la produzione di materiale audiovisivo, che permetta di sensibilizzare il pubblico a favore di un approccio responsabile verso la natura. In particolare sarà realizzata una serie TV dedicata al clima, all’ambiente e all’ecologia con riflessioni sull’economia, quali attuali priorità dell’Europa.
La serie Toby’s Friend è una eco-fiction che racconta di Tobie Lolness, il protagonista di una storia di fantasia che vive in un microcosmo popolato da elfi, fate e gnomi, nell’apprensione per le sorti di un ambiente minacciato da inquinamento e cambiamenti climatici.
La particolarità di tutti i prodotti audiovisivi è l’attenzione nella fase di realizzazione ad approcci alternativi e più sostenibili, pensando al futuro del Pianeta e del pubblico di tutti i Paesi.
Toby’s Friends non fornirà al suo pubblico solo spunti di riflessione, ma contribuirà a facilitare il passaggio alla partecipazione attiva delle famiglie europee.

Explora contribuisce al progetto attraverso la creazione e l’implementazione concreta di diverse proposte quali:

  • la creazione e realizzazione di quattro laboratori sulle stagioni;
  • la realizzazione di quattro attività indoor e outdoor sul tema dell’ambiente;
  • l’allestimento di una mostra temporanea sugli alberi, le foreste e l’ambiente che raggiunga il grande pubblico.