Cosa impariamo oggi?
Project duration: 10 mesi
Grant: Euro 72.135
The project aims at enlarging the Explora online platform
ExploraEducation – What do we learn today? This project is funded by Regione Lazio and LAZIOCrea, following the Public Notice to provide regional support to the social cooperatives of Regione Lazio. It aims at improving the online training service of the existing platform Explora Education through a broader informal teaching offering – for its staff and the community, through tailor-made autonomous learning for a larger audience.
ExploraEducation – What do we learn today? is for the Cooperative’s staff (working member employees/employees/contractors) that need continuous training for their conscious lifelong learning; early childhood/primary school/middle school teachers who, as set forth by law no. 107/2015 (Buona Scuola), are required to undergo permanent and structural training; classes of primary and middle school that wish to benefit from the Explora workshop offerings in Distance Learning mode; educators who want to improve their teaching skills and methods; parents to children aged 0-11 who need support in their role in terms of awareness, communication and listening skills; family-oriented companies that want to support families through a corporate welfare policy.
Specifically, the goal of the project is as follows:
Create an online training service for museum employees through Blended Learning courses to promote interaction between trainer and users, with an exchange of views on practical experience. Training courses will consist of self-learning modules, through the use of digital contents, and learning community modules, where learning is achieved in groups with direct exchange of views. This experience allows them to tackle training themes relevant to the Explora activities, ensuring the cooperative with lifelong training and participation, enhancing training and working times and monitoring in a shared digital space the training activities of the entire staff from the beginning, taking action where gaps are detected and making sure that all staff in every field receive the same level of training;
Implement online training courses for teachers/educators – for free and paid – to enrich the training offerings with proposals suitable for every need and combining contents, technology and cognitive aspects, the latter closely related to teaching methods. Multimedia contents combine different media and consist of short teaching units and downloadable stand-alone material. This choice reflects styles of study and learning based on the network that reduced times of attention and the ability to concentrate on a single subject for long and continued periods, making it preferable to have a lean and flexible structure based on micro-learning;
Create online workshops for schools, teachers and students, for free and paid, and tailor-made training courses for companies based on specific training needs adapting teaching strategies in terms of goals and evaluation methods. The formal structure is based on the creation of lean learning paths that adapt to the digital media as they are for manifold experiences: not long front lessons, but short teaching units containing online multimedia resources (video, audio, publication of teaching materials, tutorials, evaluation forms), to facilitate comprehension and increase Learning Productivity;
Create a custom training service for schools and companies through on-demand workshops to integrate the ordinary educational offerings with workshop activities carried out by Explora operators and education professionals without organising school trips. In line with the current needs for Distance Learning, the class having access to the live streaming service hosted by Explora can take part in the teaching proposals from the online workshop catalogue that the teacher books by selecting the available dates. This proposal is intended to enhance the learning dynamics of group-class by creating an interaction between students, teachers and the Explora expert, stimulating discussions, exchange of information and sharing of ideas as if “everyone were in the same spot”;
Implement the current ISO certification 9001-2015 with EA37 (Education) that will help direct users (quality management employees) improve their work, enhancing times and dynamics with a final value to guarantee the quality of the whole process. This additional quality certification for training will also be an added value for other users, such as teachers/educators/parents/students who will use the service for everything related to non-formal and informal learning, the cooperative’s valuable tools. The non-formal and informal learning offerings from the cooperative, which is not a training agency, can be quality-certified for the users as to the product they will use and for the cooperative’s staff who will be aware to be working within a quality-certified process.