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The exhibit to learn about the food supply chain, understand the value of a healthy and correct diet and fight against waste.

Bambina gioca al mercato di Explora

how to play

permanent exhibit of the Museum, for free use during all visits.

The exhibit

MARKET is the permanent exhibition dedicated to the discovery of the agri-food chain, to transmit to children, through a playful experience, the value of a healthy diet, to understand the meaning of food safety, to reflect on the theme of Sustainable Development and the fight against food waste, experimenting with good practices in consumption and purchases.

Market is a food education space with a child-friendly design to learn, while playing, all the secrets related to food, in line with the 17 Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Vegetables, fruit, delicatessen, personal hygiene items, frozen and fresh produce are the macro-areas of the new space, foodstuffs that arrive in our homes via routes that even adults sometimes ignore.

Market looks like a large supermarket: in addition to shopping, children can understand and learn about the supply chain, investigate the traceability of products and learn how to read the label, thus increasing their awareness when purchasing.

The shopping experience is combined with a digital insight into the origin of products, seasonality, water footprint and nutritional values, through an interactive wall with software developed ad hoc by the Explora museum.

The exhibit was the result of a meeting between Explora and ISMEA Istituto di Servizi per il Mercato Agricolo Alimentare, both with a strong desire to support children in this phase of knowledge and awareness-raising in line with the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda Goals.

Creative activity is a type of learning process shere the teacher and pupil are located in the same indvidual

Arthur Koestler