The Children’s Museum of Rome is a training centre for cultural promotion for education employees. Our courses are recognised by the Ministry of Public Education, attendees employed in public schools will be exempted from service. Visit our website and find further information on our courses, choose according to your educational needs.
When: the courses are held on Mondays. Timetable varies according to the course.
Attendees :courses with limited access.
Explora ad hoc – customized training, Explora organises short courses and workshops run by the Children Museum of Rome.
Explora Education
Explora Education Online courses and educational resources. The Explora portal dedicated to training. Explora Education è il portale dedicato alla formazione e all’apprendimento che raccoglie laboratori, tutorial, schede didattiche e corsi online sviluppati da Explora e dedicati a docenti, formatori, educatori e genitori. Tutte le risorse seguono un approccio educativo ludico, esperienziale che consente di […]