Robotic workshop
Approaches and learning evaluation

Project duration: September 2016 – September 2017
Explora has always proposed non-formal education, but how can the impact on learning be scientifically measured and verified?
This was the starting point that eventually led Explora to find a university willing to build a research project together. The search for universities interested in applying their research to the museum originated a partnership and a scholarship funded by the Museo dei Bambini SCS onlus on behalf of the Università degli Studi di Milano – Bicocca, specifically for the Robotics Laboratory for Cognitive and Social Sciences at the University of Milan – Bicocca, “Riccardo Mazza” Department of Human Sciences and Education (DISUF-UNIMIB).
The research project named Robotics Workshops at the Museum: assessing methods and learning processes originated from the desire to systematically assess the impact and the level of effectiveness of the robotics workshops – both recreational and educational – that children attend at Explora. The project is made possible by the work of the Explora team involved in educational activity, design, digital education and relationships with schools and a group of university researchers and scholars from the Bicocca University.
The project’s main goal is to carry out an assessment of the robotics workshops made available at Explora to visiting schools and families, in order to gather information about learning processes and the relationship between educational objectives and how workshops should actually be designed and carried out.
Particularly, the assessment will be carried out on the following:
- 8 Explora resources from the areas of Education, Entertainment, Relationships with schools, Digital, operating on site;
- 4 teachers and children from 4 nursery and primary school classes of the Claudio Abbado Comprehensive School in Rome
- parents and children visiting Explora at a weekend dedicated to robotics.
- Data will be gathered through the following methods:
audio-recorded and semi-structured interviews; - video recordings.