Generazione Zeta, Generazione Alpha
Un progetto per promuovere attività educative e ludiche

Project duration: May 1st – October 31st, 2021
Generation Zeta, Generation Alpha: a new post-Covid19 retraining is a project carried out in collaboration with the Prime Minister’s Office – Department for family policies (Dipartimento per le politiche della famiglia) to promote educational and recreational activities to accompany and support children and families in recovering from the health emergency.
Many not-to-be-missed events will take place to accompany children and families: a project promoting activities inspired by Cooperative learning, tinkering and learning by doing.
Although needed to contain the pandemic spread, some measures risk exacerbating social inequalities and disaccustom children to building sound relationships with their peers, thus also driving them away from social life with adults, such as parents, relatives or teachers. To face this “social” emergency, the project addresses children aged 3-11 years, families and schools and promotes activities based on Cooperative learning that strengthens vertical relationships between parents, teachers and schoolmates and has an impact on horizontal relationships between peers: a series of informal activities where children can take a challenge and require the ability to listen, collaborate, and commit.
In particular, the project promotes initiatives of generational interchange between children and adults through the innovative tinkering and learning-by-doing approach with co-creation and co-design activities and the exchange between peers, supporting the full participation of children for regaining social life; facilitates the exchange, learning and transfer of knowledge among children and adults in charge outside the family (university students, researchers, artists, experts) through weekends dedicated to Research.
Each activity is carried out by small groups and is facilitated by a positive relationship atmosphere which turns learning moments into a group problem-solving process.
The project includes:
Summer Co-Creation – 2 focus groups that engage children attending summer Camps to explore views and detect needs in their relationships with adults;
Night Summer Camp – 4 evenings at the museum to share information, understand behaviours and gain the ability to dialogue (for children aged 6 to 11 years);
Tinkering Breakfast: 4 breakfast meals based on tinkering to find out about the importance of individual help and intergenerational mutual assistance (for children aged 6 to 11 years and accompanying parents);
Creative Wake-Up: 4 breakfast meals with outdoor physical, educational and recreational activities, sports and arts (for children aged 3 to 5 years and accompanying parents);
Research Weekends: 4 knowledge exchange workshops for children, researchers and university students to promote active learning, critical and divergent thinking (for children aged 6 to 11 years and accompanying parents);
Arts at the Museum: 1 event with artists to stimulate languages and expression (children aged 3-5 and 6-11 years and accompanying parents);
EDU-CARE for schools: 50 kits for classrooms with 4 activities in classrooms lasting 90 minutes to balance emotional, contents, verification and follow-up moments involving pupils actively in processes of co-building knowledge and skills. The kit consists of 3 units, 3 tutorials, 5 sets of materials, 1 verification quiz, 1 poster.
ZETA GENERATION, ALPHA GENERATION: a new post-Covid19 retraining is a project carried out in collaboration with the Prime Minister’s Office – Dipartimento per le politiche della famiglia.

Guarda i tre videotutorial del progetto: