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Explora 2.0

Logo Explora 2.0



Explora 2.0 is a project aiming at the creation of a database which collects data about the museum visitors and users. The main goal is to create a CRM system for marketing and communication actions.


increase effectiveness in visitor profiling in order to tailor museum offers to the needs of local customers

develop fundraising actions through improved visitor profiling;

expand market potential to increase visitor numbers (target on visitor numbers + 7% first year, on revenues + 7% first year);

improve the museum’s internal processes in order to make museum use more autonomous for certain standard services such as ticket purchase or workshop bookings (improvement of the sales process and consequent increase in customer satisfaction + 5%, improvement of waiting/waiting times at the ticket office)

move towards ‘dematerialisation’ by focusing on digital rather than paper-based resources (cost optimisation and reduction of communication material ex

The project was admitted to the Regional Public Notice ‘Innovation: Feminine Sostantive’ (BOLLETTINO UFFICIALE DELLA REGIONE LAZIO – N. 94 of 25/11/2014), for the Smart & Social category (new innovative products/solutions/services to simplify and improve business management, supplier and customer relations and marketing services):The project is ‘smart’ for the type of technological systems that will be applied and ‘social’ for the open, inclusive and aggregating character of the museum: Explora 2.0 will allow the sharing of the rich cultural and scientific offer created over time by the cooperative’s team. The knowledge through an efficient and targeted profiling of visitors on a single dedicated database will offer for the first time the Children’s Museum the opportunity to get to know the families and children visiting the Museum, creating opportunities for contact and exchange not only with the local reality but also with the national and international population. The improvement of the knowledge and relationship with visitors through advanced ICT systems – hardware and software – aims not only to create the community in a networking logic, but also to seek and find in the visitors future donors. Access to crowdfunding platforms, and thus the result, will be multiplied by the dissemination to the managed network of contacts that the museum wants to build.

Con il supporto di Regione Lazio Avviso Pubblico Regionale “Innovazione: Sostantivo Femminile”

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