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Project duration: November 2024 – April 2026

Contribution: 39,955.10 euro [€].


EUROMUSE, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, is an innovative artistic research project proposing the development of a new kind of music applied to museums, with the aim of increasing the number of visitors and improving their experience. 

It is based on a model of participatory music co-creation and experimentation with background music composed for museum facilities, through an interactive process between young composers, museum professionals, researchers and active groups of museum visitors (Community Muse Boards, CMB).


The project sees music as a sensitive mechanism to enable a deeper involvement of museum and exhibition visitors in the discovery for a deeper understanding and better enjoyment of national and European heritage.
The project part includes 6 new music compositions specially composed for 3 museums, including workshops and training courses. The research will focus on empirical measurement of the impact of music on visitors’ experiences, time spent and increased memory and stimulation of perceptions.


The project brings together 3 museums, 6 museum professionals, 6 composers, 5 researchers, 6 music experts, 8 music exhibition experts, 30 members of 3 CMBs and 30 members of a voluntary association.

Specifically participating in the project are: 

Their collaboration will establish a long-term link between art and local communities, museums, music and research professionals. The results of the innovative artistic research project will provide a new museological approach and a new consumer model, communicating museum content to different audiences and media.

The EUROMUSE project strengthens European culture and art by transferring new knowledge and skills to the physical and digital aspects of the museum.
