Distinti ma non distanti
It aims to educate the citizens towards equality, interdependence and interaction between people.
Duration of the project: 03/05/2019 – 02/07/2021
DISTINTI MA NON DISTANTI is a project promoted by the Associazione per la Solidarietà Internazionale in Asia – ASIA, funded by Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo-AICS, which aims to educate the citizens towards equality, interdependence and interaction between people, becoming a concrete part of the promotion of The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Goal number 10: reduce inequalities.
The project partners promote, in the cities of Rome, Milan and Naples, a series of initiatives such as workshops, events, training meetings and seminars based on some basic principles of Buddhist culture: empathy, interdependence and non-violence.
These principles allow to reflect on the perception of differences, meant as enrichment, on the contact between individuals of different cultures and traditions, on the fight against the climate of hate and the perception of the other as different and dangerous and on the vision of a global community made up by Italian and foreign citizens living on the Italian territory.
These principles allow the sensitization on the perception of the differences, which are intended as enrichment, the approach between individuals of different cultures and traditions, the fight against the climate of hatred and the perception of the other as different and finally, the vision of a global community made up of Italian and foreign citizens living on the Italian territory.
The initiative is completed by 2 project dissemination events, dedicated to the schools involved in the project and the families visiting the museum, with workshops on the empathy theme.
Besides Explora, led by SIA, the partners are:
Fondazione Empatia Milano FEM;
Programma Integra;
Centro di Studi sul Buddhismo presso il Dipartimento Asia, Africa, Mediterraneo dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli, L’Orientale.
In particular Explora is involved in the design and implementation of Today it’s your turn to go to school: children teach empathy, an initiative addressed to 250 children and teachers from the Istituti comprensivi Guicciardini and Manzi in Rome, including their families, to provide training for teachers and educational activities in the classroom on the concept of empathy, through innovative teaching methods such as cooperative learning and tinkering.