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Imagine a large magnetic wall where to find many coloured shapes.

Un bambino fotografa la sua creazione artistica

how to play

is a permanent exhibit of the Museum, for free use during all visits.

Imagine a large magnetic wall where to find many coloured shapes.

And then choose the shapes you like most, make them meet, and make more complex figures out of your creativity.

At the Explora museum this is made possible by Meeting of shapes, the new permanent exhibit created out of Summer Co-Creation, a series of focus groups from Zeta Generation, Alpha Generation: new post-Covid19 retraining.
The meetings, that featured the Mook artists and the Summer Camp, were instrumental to turn the children’s ideas into in-progress work of co-design and co-creation.

The artistic and creative aspect of this work is based on experiences that, starting from randomness turn into a universe of always new images.

Meeting of shapes is a permanent exhibit that was set up as part of the ZETA GENERATION, ALPHA GENERATION: new post-Covid19 retraining project, carried out in collaboration with the Prime Minister’s Office – Dipartimento per le politiche della famiglia.

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La mente è una sola. La sua creatività va coltivata in tutte le direzioni.

Gianni Rodari