SHORE: discovering the sea and its protection - Explora
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Discovering the sea and its protection


Sunday, 9th June

activities in the outdoor area: 10:30 to 15:00 and 15:30 to 18:00

from 3 years old

activities in the museum’s outdoor area with free and continuous access

in the outdoor area

The event

On Sunday 9 June, the second edition of SHORE: Let’s discover the sea and its protection, an event to involve girls, boys and adults in activities to raise awareness of the marine environment.

The event is possible thanks to the EU-funded SHORE project and is proposed on the occasion of World Oceans Day, an anniversary established to highlight the importance of water and support sustainable resource management.

Many activities with free admission are offered in the museum’s green area.

The activities

Free activities from 10.30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 3.30 p.m. to 6 p.m.

By Explora

Small actions to protect our oceans – 3-5 years: activity organised by Explora to learn, with the help of small robots, how to protect the nature around us.
Gocce di Mare – from age 3: activity organised by Explora to play at creating a seascape using spin-bikes.

By the Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente del Lazio

A dive into the sea – from age 6 – an activity organised by the Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente del Lazio, to discover how to monitor our sea using microbiology and microscopy techniques to see even ‘the invisible’ and bathe…. safely. Conducted by ARPA staff, the activity aims to show the Agency’s institutional role in monitoring the sea and bathing waters. The activity takes place at four stations that can be used individually or in sequence:

  • marine water sampling – to learn about water sampling and sampling
  • observation of microbiological samples – to explore the concept of bathing contamination;
  • microalgae observation – to examine macroalgae samples and unveil the secrets of water colouring;
  • observation of biodiversity – to explore the marine ecosystem.

By Marevivo

The sea on land – 6 -11 years: activities organised by Marevivo to discover the beach, the sea and its inhabitants. The workshop is divided into two activities:

  • The beach narrates. Recognising the most common natural relics found on our beaches;
  • Silent as a fish? Listen, recognise and imitate. The ‘singers of the sea’: introduction to cetaceans and other marine mammals that use sounds for their communications. In particular, the main characteristics of sperm whales, dolphins and whales will be presented, their songs will be listened to and, through games, an attempt will be made to imitate, recognise and understand them.

Photography and video filming are planned during the activities.
