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Dire Fare Scienza

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Project duration: 01/12/2012 – 02/01/2014


Say DO SCIENCE is a national project supported by MIUR (Ministry of Education and University) which involves a network of 10 Italian museums. The project’s goal is the promotion and dissemination of the scientific and technological culture involving museum staff operators and visitors, in particular schools and families.

Thanks to SAY DO SCIENCE Explora welcomed families, children, teachers and classes who participated in events, workshops, experiments and training classes.

The strength and innovation of the SAY DO SCIENCE is its engaging methodological approach which encourages direct exploration and the use of the scientific method. The involvement into scientific phenomena happens at physical, cognitive and emotional level. In this way the project supports the direct interpretation of the scientific and technological phenomena in order to understand how the science and the technology affect our lives.

The project involves the following partners:

MUSIL , Museum of Industry and Labour Eugenio Battisti , Brescia
INFINI.TO , Planetarium and Astronomy Museum in Turin Area , Italy
IS Imaginary Science , Trieste
Galileo Museum Established and Museum of the History of Science, Florence
POST Foundation , Perugia Workshop for Science and Technology , Perugia
Museum of the Bailiff , Saltara PU
Fondazione IDIS – Città della Scienza , Naples
The Citadel of the Mediterranean Science, Bari
Explora , the Children’s Museum , Rome
